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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Killer Arm and Back Workout

Want to get rid of arm and back fat? Try this killer workout!

This workout I'm about to share with you left my arms and back screaming the next day. 3 days later and my lats are still sore!

When choosing a weight to workout with, you want to choose one that allows you to complete each rep with good form but leaves you struggling to complete the last few reps. This is how you know your muscles are working to their maximum effort.

This is also the idea with rest time. You want your rest times to be short but not too short that you are over exerting yourself. You want your rest times to be short enough to allow your heart rate to stay up causing your body to burn more fat during the workout.

For my workouts I always like to start my workouts with a 5-10 minute workout to get my blood flowing and my body warm. My favorite warms are jogging on the treadmill and jump roping. Both are great for getting your heart rate going and getting your muscles warm and ready for a good workout.

On my back and triceps days I also like to warm up with a couple of pull-ups and dips on the assisted machine like the one pictured to the right. alt text This a great way to warm up the muscles you will be using and you can assess your progress by seeing how many you can do and with how much assistance.
For most of my workouts I almost always stick to doing super sets (2 exercises back to back) and trisets (3 exercises back to back) again to keep my heart rate up and for added intensity.
Here is a breakdown of the arm and back workout that will leave your muscles burnin!!

Super Set 1
  • Seated Lat Pull Down 4x12
  • Push Ups 4x10 (If you are unable to do a full push up try doing it on your knees)
Tri Set 2
  • Single Arm dumbbell row 4x12
  • Alternating Bicep Curl w/ Dumbbell 4x10
  • Overhead Triceps Extension w/ Dumbbell 4x15
Super Set 3
  • Cable Bicep Curl 4x12
  •  Cable Triceps Pull Downs (w/ rope) 4x12
Super Set 4
  • Bent Over Close Grip Cable Rows 4x12
  • Overhead Triceps Cable Extension (w/ rope) 4x12
Tri Set 5
  • Seated Wide Grip Row 4x12
  • Triceps Dips 4x15
  • Hammer Curls (w/ dumbbells) 4x20
I finished this workout with some sprints and stretching!

I hope you enjoy this workout! Comment below if you liked it and if you would like to see more!

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